Helicopter Girl - It Doesn't Get Much Better Than This

La escocesa Jackie Joyce (hija de escocesa y ghanés) , alias Helicopter Girl, se dio a conocer en el Reino Unido en 2000 con su álbum "How To Steal The World", con excelentes críticas. Cuatro años después, volvió con "Voodoo Chic", un disco elegante e inquietante –según sus propias palabras. Su ultimo CD es "Metropolitan" con una canción que sobresale llamada -It Doesn’t Get Much Better Than This.-

Su página en MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/helicoptergirlmusic

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It doesn't get much better than this
It doesn't get much better than this

Can't you feel the heat between us
Above room temperature
Can't you feel the heat between us
Warm Mecca

It doesn't get much better than this
(I'm all yours sugar)
It doesn't get much better than this
(I'm all yours sugar)

Intoxicate is all that matters
The 110 tango
Rare euphoria like no other
I feel the need for your liquid amber

Can't you feel the heat between us
above room temperature
Can't you feel the heat between us
Warm Mecca

It doesn't get much better than this
(I'm all yours sugar)
It doesn't get much better than this
(I'm all yours sugar)

My baby he is hot to handle
Hot stuff, hot stuff
Toxicate is all that matters
(Warm Mecca)

It doesn't get much better than this
It doesn't get much better than this
(Hot stuff, hot stuff)
It doesn't get much better than this
(Hot stuff, hot stuff)

1 comentarios:

ctxarly dijo...

Comentario para probar la nueva plantilla.

9 de diciembre de 2008, 1:21

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